Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Kindergarten Girl Who Taught Me So Much.

M will take place of the girls name

A little girl died yesterday at the age of 6. She was a girl who I got the pleasure of knowing while I was a Para at Ogden Elementary School. She tested my patience at times, but whenever she saw me outside the classroom she would yell, "Mr. W." and run up and give me a hug. At times she was defiant, but that seemed to be her way of testing you. She wanted to know what she could get away with. One day she had a seizure in class, and I was just getting back from lunch. Another student ran out of the classroom and when asked what was wrong, she said, "M is having a fever." So we went to the nurse and got the medication we needed that was supposed to stop it, but by the time we got there her seizure stopped and she was sleeping. So we got a wheelchair, and I picked her up and took her to the nurses office, and by the time I laid her down, the fire alarm went off, so I had to put her pack in the wheelchair and take her outside. I always felt for her, because my wife has epilepsy, and my sister did as well, it was one of the reasons I wanted to work with her.

One of my most memorable moments with M was when she had earned her 5 pennies. (The 5 pennies was a reward program that we had used to reward the good behavior, so she wouldn't be as defiant.) She usually wanted to go on the computer, or go see Mrs Ehie, but this time she wanted me to read to her, and to use hand puppets. When I got done reading, she wanted me to read again, but I told her we had to rejoin the class. So in her sweetest voice she said, "I love you Mr. W."I just smiled and told her if you earn your 5 pennies again I will read to her again, so she agreed and went back to class. However, when she earned those 5 pennies she didn't want me to read to her, she wanted to go see Mrs. Ehie. I will never forget the walks to go turn in the attendance, the hugs, and the smiles. She taught me patience, and she reminded me why I chose to do what I do. She reminded me the love I have for children.

As Jesus says in Matthew 19:14 "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." I pray that M is enjoying heaven right now, and I look forward to the day when I can thank her for being herself, and reminding me of why I am in the ministry.

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