Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is coming?

‎"Most of you have no idea what to do, or whats coming. Some of you do. This isn’t a fight about land, about this town. This is a fight for our very existence."- Johnston Green (Jericho, Coalition of the Willing)

“Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for revolution?” Dylan Radigan asked on his MSNBC show. His answer: “The answer is obviously ‘yes.’ The only question is, ‘how to do it?’” He goes on to say “To clear our dire problems may require even more drastic solutions,” he said. While introducing his cartoonist guest, Ratigan says those solutions might include “violence or at least the threat thereof” Now many on the left claimed it was Glenn Beck calling for a violent revolution, even though he said the exact opposite. Now a progressive, after conservatives win the house says, we need to have a revolution with "violence or at least the threat thereof." Where is the public outcry? Why are people not pointing out the hypocrisy? I am at the point where I believe a civil war is going to come. It will be American vs. American. Will it happen within a couple years? I have no idea. But looking at the political ads the left and right are becoming more polarized. The attacks are getting dirtier, and people are becoming more divided. And, if you believe that 2012 will be nicer, you have another thing coming. It will be nastier, and even more dividing. Friendships could become strained. If the left and the right both believe in some sort of revolution it will happen. How it happens depends on you.

1 comment:

  1. The revolution has already begun. Last week, the people of this country finally stood up and said "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" The greatest political revolution in over 60 years was launched last Tuesday and will continue for years to come. The greatest threat to this country is sitting in Washington DC and I believe the majority of the people are executing it with mighty civility. Even though there is a growing division between race, religion and politics, I believe in us - Americans - that we will again spite of our leaders.
    ~ Steve
