Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Be Positive

Every now and then I get a gentle reminder that I have to look at the good into everyone. So this blog post is just that. When it comes to politicians it is hard to look at someone you disagree with and find good in them. It is why we are so divided today. So, I am going to start with the president and move to the current presidential candidates.

  1. Barak Obama- When I heard he was planning on staying in the DC area after he leaves office I wondered why. But after hearing that it was so his daughter can stay at the same school and graduate, I had to applaud the man. The one thing I thought he was decent in was being a good father. We do not have much of those these days.
  2. Donald Trump- The man is ruthless, but he tries. He may have many failed businesses, but he keeps at it. There is something to be said about not giving up.
  3. Hillary Clinton- This one is difficult because I do not trust a word she says, but she also does not give up. It would be easy to say she would not run for president after the 2008 primaries, but she is going for it. Hillary is persistent.
  4. Bernie Sanders- I believe he is the most honest presidential candidate, which is why I voted for him in the democratic primary here in Oklahoma. As an Independent, I was given the chance to vote in the primary, and while I do not agree with much of his policy, there is something to be said about honesty.
  5. John Kasich- This man may be the most level headed of the remaining republican candidates. He has stood at the debate stage without much speaking time, and has kept a calm demeanor about himself.
  6. Marco Rubio- He has fought for his right to be up in the top three on the republican stage. While he has only a couple of primary wins, he has not fallen back. Chris Cristie rightly acknowledged his sticking to talking points, and ever since then has at least tried to change it up a little.
  7. Ted Cruz- This man may have made mistakes early in the primary contests, but one thing I liked was that he pulled Ben Carson aside and apologized. It is not for me to judge whether he was honest about it, but it was a great move. I have also seen him willing to engage people who do not like his policy, and be able to explain himself. 
There you have it. President Obama and the remaining candidates. It is easy to find something nice to say about people you do not like. It is something we all need to start doing. These people are human, just like you and me. They are wanting a job that I do not want. Look at past pictures of presidents from when they were campaigning then look at pictures from after they become president. It is a stressful job, and it takes its toll. So please do not just spew hate because you disagree with their politics. Find some positive. 

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