Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obama- The most divisive President

I really wanted to go until the Election without a post. I did not want to post anything, but this caught my eye. President Obama was talking to the Latin community, and this is what he said, "But they are going to be paying attention to this election and if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be harder and that's I didn't think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd." Did you catch that? Punish our enemies. Now, you never heard Bush call democrats and liberals enemies. You never heard Clinton call Conservatives and Republicans enemies either. But this is what this country has come to. You have a president calling half of the country enemies. Now I may disagree with liberals out there. I have some friends that if all we talked about were our political views we might not be friends, but thankfully that is not all this world is about. Yes, at this time politics is critical, but you know what? If politics is going to end up being a blood bath in the end, I don't want a part if it. Obama said he was listening to those who did not earn his vote. Yet, he looks at us, Some of us are trying to help this country get on track. We lend out our hand in support, and he spits in our face. I have become and enemy in his eyes. I have become a target. To those of my friends who I don't see eye to eye with politically, you will never hear me call you an enemy. When the time comes, and I get the chance to run for political office You will never hear me call my opponent an enemy. You will never see me attack someone. My hope would be that my opponent want to help America as much as I do. I know they believe in a different path. I get that, but we are only as strong as our leaders, and right now, it appears we are not that strong at all.

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