Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Barbara Boxer

So, one of the ads on my page was "Stand With Barbara Boxer." I really didn't know of her, so I decided to do some research. So apparently in June a military officer testifying began to respond to one of her questions by calling her ma'am but Boxer interrupted: "Do me a favor," she said, "could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?' It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it, yes, thank you." Now since I know a little about military chain of command, I know the officer was right in calling her ma'am. So, to me Boxer shouldn't of interrupted him. Second, What she fails to realize is she may have a position of authority, but she works for us, We(people of California) voted her in, and she did little to get there. She hired the people who got her elected, so in my mind the workers worked hard. Speech writers, Campaign manager, people who sold her image. In fact when she opened her mouth in interrupting an officer she in fact damaged the hard work of others in getting her elected.
Now, because I wanted to be fair, I went on her website. When I went on the first thing I saw was this imageNow by definition grassroots is a local thing done by volunteers, not by a candidate running for re-election, that eliminates the whole grassroot image. However after the Tea Parties I could understand why you would want to image your campaign with a grassroots movement. So what are your thoughts?

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