Saturday, January 9, 2010


"But these negotiations will be on C-SPAN, and so the public will be part of the conversation and will see the choices that are being made," then candidate Obama told the newspaper's liberal editorial board. "So if a member of Congress is carrying water for the drug companies and says, 'Well, we can't negotiate for the cheapest available prices on drugs because we need the money for R&D research,' well, we'll have a discussion right there in front of the American people about the fact that the drug companies do need profits, but they are also spending a whole bunch of it on marketing ... That builds in accountability in the system because that congressman is now put on the spot. I would not underestimate the degree to which shame is a healthy emotion and that you can shame Congress into doing the right thing if people know what is going on."

The truth is a politician will say anything to get elected. Think about it, Obama also ridiculed John McCain on the "Cadillac Tax" in where the large insurance plans would be taxed to they could pay for reform. Now Obama is using the Cadillac Tax in his plan. The truth is politicians think we as voters are not capable of understanding. As a matter of fact these same politicians will tell you this has been the most open process for a piece of Legislation. Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying, "There has never been a more open process for any legislation for anyone who's served here's experience. ... Tens of thousands of people participated in our town meetings, over a hundred witnesses in our bipartisan hearings that were held in the conference and the list goes on." If I remember correctly the town hall meetngs were full of protest. in fact Nancy Pelosi said, "These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American." Yet, a majority now oppose healthcare reform, and it is the Government by going behind closed doors to finalize a bill that are drowning out opposing views. 

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